
Here’s a trend that has become a little bit more than that, its an ongoing obsession that has lasted years, and will probably last for years to come. Cats. It’s as simple as that. Just videos of cats going about their business, with comical consequences. The internet can’t get enough of them.

Cats seem to have an innate ability to entertain us.  Whether they’re making terrifyingly odd noises, falling into the kitchen sink, or pulling funny faces, they never fail to make us chuckle. And of course the fact that they’re incredibly cute doesn’t do them any harm either.

Type ‘Cat videos’ into YouTube, and it’ll return 29,500,000 videos. Twenty nine and a half million. And there’s more added every day.  Here’s just a few of the most popular:

Grumpy Cat shot to internet fame in 2012, first on Reddit, before following its feline friends to stardom on YouTube, thanks to its naturally unimpressed face. Its official channel now has just over 160,000 subscribers and 26,500,000 million views.